“We will experience a bacon shortage in 2013.”
When the National Pig Association of the United Kingdom sent out a press release warning of a worldwide pork and bacon shortages in an effort to prepare consumers in the UK for higher pork prices, the story spread quickly on social media in the U.S. prompting dramatic media reports of an impending bacon shortage.
True or Not? “We will experience a bacon shortage in 2013.”
James Dunn, PhD says:
There will be no bacon shortage. The price may be higher, but the bacon will be there. This rumor started in England, I am told, and came here. The pork industry does not like the feed prices, but they are still hard at the task of ‘makin’ bacon.’ You can have as many BLTs as you wish!
Image: “Bacon” by cyclonebill is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
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